Second Violin


We are a nation of wannabe leaders.

From the time we are tiny, the voices shout that we must find our thing.

We must be the best.

I’ve hung around the church long enough to know that we church people are no exception.

If we’re going to commit, we want to be seen.

We want to be heard.

We want to be appreciated.

I am not a musician, but when I hear that it’s easy to fill a first violin chair in an orchestra and hard to fill a second violin chair, I am not surprised.

No one wants to play second fiddle.

The verse this morning is about working heartily, but I like this one better.

But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.

(1 Cor. 12:18)

Maybe, today, you feel like you are playing second fiddle.

Maybe you feel unseen, like you give your best every single day and no one even notices.

Friend, if you are loving and serving the ones entrusted to you, you are just where you are supposed to be.

Keep loving.  Keep serving.

Don’t grow weary in doing well.

The Creator has arranged you in just the way he wanted.

The body needs you.

We need you.

Go ahead and rock that second violin.

Because in the grand orchestra of this upside down kingdom,

Second fiddle may very well be the most important fiddle of all.

Well Done

I want to hear it as a challenge.

Three points and an application.

Something I can, you know, do.

We’re talking about talents this morning.

About investing wisely.

About not burying our gifts because we are afraid. (Matthew 25:14-30)

I want to hear it as a challenge.

To give more.  Or to unearth some hidden talent.

Or to somehow be more faithful with the little things.

I want to hear it as a challenge.

But I cannot.

I sit in my seat, bread and cup in hand, and all I hear is affirmation.

Well done.

Again, the emotion takes me by surprise.

(I don’t know why.

I should know by now that I am a big, old sap.)

This is the word today.

Well done.

Not because we’ve run harder or worked longer hours or been more faithful than anyone else.

But because of Grace.

Because when he looks at us, he sees Perfection.

Perfect obedience.  Perfect faithfulness.  Perfect generosity.

So, this week, friends, give generously.

Don’t bury your gifts.

But sit awhile with the bread and the cup too.

With the reality that no matter how faithfully you serve, how wisely you invest,

How passionately you share your gifts,

You will still fall short.

And yet.

Because of Grace,

When he looks at you, he sees Perfection.

And he says

Well done.