This is my story too.

I’m sitting in a room full of people who love Jesus.

Mamas and daddies whose lives have been touched by adoption.

My people.

And still it’s hard for me to drop my guard.

We circle up with practical strangers and we are supposed to pray.

At another time, in another place, I would know exactly how to do this “right.”

Today, I’ve got nothing.

So he tells his story.

A real-life story of rescue.

Of calling out to Jesus at what he truly believed to be his last moments on this earth.

And finding himself suddenly on dry land.

Snatched from the greedy hands of death.  Saved by the merciful hands of Grace.

It resonates hard.

This is my story too.

The perfect metaphor for a life surrendered to Jesus.

Snatched from the greedy hands of death.  Saved by the merciful hands of Grace.

Sometimes I like to pretend like my story is different.

Like I’ve got this parenting thing.  This foster care thing.  This adoption thing.  This life thing.

I try too hard to look good… to have it all together not just so you think I’m great, but so you think foster care is great.  So you think adoption is great.

Apart from me, you can do nothing.  (John 15:5)

I don’t like it, but I know it is true.

Abide, he calls.

Settle down here.  Lean in close.


And remember.

That great story of rescue?

It’s my story too.