
I’ve been feeling lately like something is brewing. Like God’s people are hungry. Seeking. And ready to step hard into Jesus’ power and calling on our lives. I look around and believe that ears are being opened and hearts are being inclined to know the love and hear the truth of Jesus. 

I’m trying to wrap my mind around the idea that the same power that resurrected Jesus rests on my life. On our lives. My heart is beating loud to bring freedom to captives and recovery of sight to the blind. To release the oppressed and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.

I learned recently that Jehovah Jireh means not just “provider,” but “the God who sees ahead and provides.” The One who went ahead of us and provided a sacrifice, a way out, through the death and resurrection of his Son. The One who already knows what’s coming and has gone ahead to provide. Enough love. Enough courage. Enough faith. Enough wisdom.

What you’re asking for isn’t big enough.

These words have flittered on the edge of my heart and mind for weeks now. I’m not sure how to ask bigger.

And so it is that I walk into my first experience of flowering the cross. I love the beauty. The symbolism. The equal ground at the foot of the cross. I share this sacred moment with a toddler… joyfully stabbing colorful blooms into any empty space he can find.

But it’s the forsythia that I bring to celebrate our Savior- the One who sees ahead and provides. First one stem, then, when we’re invited back for seconds, more and more and more. So many. Each branch a heartbeat of expectation. Each stem a promise to anticipate. To hold my breath. To believe and ask for things, bigger and bigger.

I don’t know what’s coming. But one thing I do know. I know Jehovah Jireh. I know the One who sees ahead and provides.


Will you wait with me in anticipation, friends? Will you pay attention this week and reach out to someone who comes to mind? Will you ask a friend or coworker how you can pray for them? Will you speak a word of blessing and encouragement over someone’s life? Will you let me know how you are asking big so that I can ask with you? Will you ask Jesus to unleash his power and expect that he will do it? He’s ready, friends. He’s so ready. Are you?