You do what you are


Ever since I was a tiny thing, I would have told you that justification is by faith alone

But that a truly regenerate heart would inevitably result in good works.

What can I say?  I was indoctrinated well.

I think good theology is important.

I am also a big believer that those of us who claim to follow Christ darn well better show up and do a thing.

You show me your faith without works and I will show you my faith by what I do.  (James 2:18)

As I’ve mentioned lots of times before, I am a doer.

You show me a list of fruit and I want to check them off one by one.

Love.  Check.

Joy.  Check.

Peace.  Check.

This morning I see a picture of a redbud tree.

It is beautiful in springtime bloom, resplendent in pink flowered glory.

Not because it made a checklist.

Not because it worked its tail off.

Not because of daily quiet times, monthly service in the community and an offering automatically debited from its bank account.

Just because it is a redbud tree.

It does what it is.

It can’t, in fact, do anything else.

I am immediately drawn to this image.

It resonates with the word that I have chosen for this year.


The flowers, the fruit, the beautiful display pointing back to a loving Creator

Friends, it’s true.

You do what you are.

So, if you are a compulsive doer like me, give yourself permission to relax for a minute.


Be loved.

Be a passionately pursued, wildly cherished, extravagantly loved son or daughter of the King.

Settle yourself down there.

Let that sink in for a long, long moment.

And then go.

Do what you are.